Primarily, Sexual Marriage is about balancing Sexual Energy to complement Each Other's potential in a personal limited way in Social Relationships.
Secondarily, it is not about "raising a family" it is an optional category. You can be off without a Child.
Thirdly, harmonizing and balancing the polarity of Sexual Energy. If it gets out of hand, there will be dysfunctional and unbalanced social Relationships.
Humans as Sexual Energy is Eternal. If Energy Can't Destroyed. It can only be Transformed.
Naturally, on a larger scale, it will affect our Social Relations among People.
Mind is the Biggest Sex Organ and the Erogenous Zone Reacts to Your Imagination.
Women can postpone Marriage until before their Menopause Period. Plenty of Time for Improvement I guess. It is just the Same with Men.
If Your Priority is the Improvement for Lasting Relations. Why Raise a Family of its not Really the Urgent need to Begin with. Why in a Hurry...?
The study of MIND and SPIRIT is where all the Knowledge of Our Being Starts. It is the Process of Knowing Who We Are.
Psychologists and Teachers should have to concentrate their Teaching Lessons on the Study of MIND AND SPIRIT...
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