Wednesday, June 14, 2023

If there is "only one" race. We should have already mastered "one language".

To master the art of communication is to master your native language first (your particular race). Use that language to understand our inner self, your people, your society system: and the whole central nervous system of your particular society, And humans will enter the stage of the art of telepathic communications.

I don't mind the color of your "skin" 'cause skin color can be cloned just like the human face.

Since humans are biological beings. Accept the historical fact that there are only two complementary sexual organs for humans. Asexual reproduction for plants and animals is an exception. Until the time that we can clone ourselves, and create our own image without the use of sexual organs. By then, we have to design a "human body" that does not require food from plants and animals for survival.
A self-regenerating human body produces its own internal energy. It is the subject of higher human evolutionary development.

The mere fact that humans have different languages ​​suggests that there is artificial division among different races but with different variations of local and provincial languages.

There are political groups that advocate "multiculturalism" but more division and misunderstanding crop up. Wrong form of assimilation. Can you understand the Tagalog language instantly? A dictionary is required.

If we don't respect our differences we won't be able to understand each. We have the same anatomical structure. It is a Universal fact.

Only by knowing our differences, the particular to universal: political, economic, and cultural differences can we be able to master the "common language". But some political ideologues use these "differences" for the purpose of divide and rule.

These kinds of humans are dregs and jackals of society. It compromises human development
This is where the great world social problem needs to be addressed.

We need to invent an ideology that promotes universal development for all races (humanitarianism not racism or multiculturalism) with particular emphasis on specific differences depending on social sensitivity and morality.

The common language is science and technology it has a particular and universal application.
Sorry if my English is bereft of grammatical refinement. Not my native language...

Make Friend with Yourself

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