Wednesday, August 9, 2023


 The "Story of the ARK of Noah" is inaccurate and enttirely incomplete. 

It doesn't present the whole picture of the Creation. The Creators (ET) is as much important as the Creations. This is to clarify that all the Creations had been Innovated, Modified, Tested, Upgraded to complement & augment the diversified Planetary Environmental Systems. In accordance on the Classification of a Planet.

ARC stands for ARCADIA REGENERATION COMPANY this was the group of Extra Terrestrials that Created all kinds of Mammals including the Dinosaurs (Air, Land &Sea Creatures). They manipulated the DNA/RNA in sucĥ a fashion to mould the different species of all living Animals including Humans.

The BUG & BLOOSOMS are group of Extra Terrestrials who created all kinds of Plants, Trees, Flowers and the Small Insects of all kinds. They manipulated the molecular ingredient and the bio-chemical compositions of all kinds of Fauna & Flora.

In other words, a Company of Evolved Beings (ET) that are expert and specializing on the Creation of Life.

This is to cut short the long story. Space Universe has been in Existence for around 4 Four Quadrillion years. The Planetary Systems had been designed to last for all Eternity and has been in Existence for about 200 Trillion years. So there will be no Doomsday. Space Universe will continue to Expand for Eternity.

It's a Big Lies by the translator of the bible that only "ONE GOD" was the creator of all the things in the Solar Systems, the Galaxies and Space Universe as a Whole. The Creators are expert in Bio-Chemistree & Bio-Physics.

The theory that there is only "one god as creator" is False and a Big Lies...

The Truth of Life

 Ieus  "The Way. The Truth and the Life?" This is Incorrect. 

In order for the Spirit to be reborn and incarnated into Flesh. There must be a MEDIUM (the WAY) for the Spirit to become Flesh. 

It's not thru "christ" This is false belief and wrong perspective. This is Corruption of the Circle of LIFE. Not the "truth."

Only thru the WOMEN'S WOMB could the Spirit be Reborn and Resurrected to be RELIAZED into FLESH. (The TRUTH). If you don't understand this obvious fact. You're in limbo.

So LIFE was created thru the entercession of the Spirit with the Human body, the Biological Being into Flesh. 

The Complete Cycle from Spirit to Flesh is the completion  of the Circle of LIFE thru the WOMB. (The LIFE).

THE Womens'Womb is the only real Portal for Resurrection. Not Jesus Christ. This is false and Mental Trap...(ARRO)Ieus  "The Way. The Truth and the Life?" This is Incorrect. 

In order for the Spirit to be reborn and incarnated into Flesh. There must be a MEDIUM (the WAY) for the Spirit to become Flesh. 

It's not thru "christ" This is false belief and wrong perspective. This is Corruption of the Circle of LIFE. Not the "truth."

Only thru the WOMEN'S WOMB could the Spirit be Reborn and Resurrected to be RELIAZED into FLESH. (The TRUTH). If you don't understand this obvious fact. You're in limbo.

So LIFE was created thru the entercession of the Spirit with the Human body, the Biological Being into Flesh. 

The Complete Cycle from Spirit to Flesh is the completion  of the Circle of LIFE thru the WOMB. (The LIFE).

THE Womens'Womb is the only real Portal for Resurrection. Not Jesus Christ. This is false and Mental Trap...(ARRO)

The Atheist

 Personal Declaration and Creed. 


Extra Terrestrial Beings are ATHEISTS. No more Argument, Debate or any kind of Explaination. All Humans are Sexual Energy. Energy can't be Destroyed. It can only be Transformed. Energy and Spirits are Eternal. 

Immortal Spiritual Beings IS-BEs...

Make Friend with Yourself

Make Friends with Yourself. Know Thyself. Don't Be Afraid of Your Fellow Human Being. Learned how to Properly estimate the Character of ...