Wednesday, December 4, 2019

National Socialism: Natural Law and Order

National Socialism, ultimately is the application of Nature's Laws to Human Civilization: to reintroduce Humankind (Particularly Aryan Kind. Generally all Races) to the laws which in the recent millennium, they have forgotten those same laws that gave birth to them, and this entire Universe. National Socialism is therefore mankind realizing, understanding, and living in accordance with Nature.

Nature's first and foremost Laws are survival and propagation of only the fittest. Those that are healthy enough, strong enough, and most adaptable to the constantly changing conditions are what Nature deems worthy of life on her Planet. This is a very rough and relentless Law to be sure and could be looked at in a number of different ways which may or may not be correct. It is a rule which is quite often taken out of context.

National Socialism adheres to this law strictly unto it as a sacred and eternal Law. But as National Socialists, we stray from becoming animalized by the simplicity of this Law – Instead, we have ideas that we attach to it. We want the intensification of civilization: we want mankind to advance itself rather than become more primitive.

We want it to become more adaptable and more powerful and at the same time more Humble, Intelligent, and Creative. We want a Race in Harmony with itself and with Nature – not a pack of snarling Beasts ready to kill one another in order to survive…

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