Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sports and Physical, Spiritual Well-Being

Children should be encouraged to engaged in all kind of sports they want to pursue. The purposed is to Create a Citizen which have a Sound Mind, Healthy, Brave, & Strong Body. People who take social responsibility seriously, deligiently. 

The Educational System must teach the Real History of the Race, People and Nation. The heroism and Patriotism of its best nduvidual to immolate and be a guide or model. The Supremacy of Labor over Capital. Human Labor is the Most valuable Capital. The People are the "gold" of the Nation.

Human Rights is above the laws, & the interest of the State. If the State dont Protect and Served the Welfare and Well Being of the Racial Stock, that State is a Monstrocity and doesnt Served an Important Historical Mission. Most of the "democratic, republic, constitutional, monarchical, theo-religious, military junta", are all monstrocities State...

 Zeus or Ieus "The Way. The Truth and the Life?" This is Incorrect. 

In order for the Spirit to be reborn and incarnated into Flesh. There must be a MEDIUM (the WAY) for the Spirit to become Flesh. 

It's not thru "christ" This is false belief and wrong perspective. This is Corruption of the Circle of LIFE. Not the "truth."

Only thru the WOMEN'S WOMB could the Spirit be Reborn and Resurrected to be REALIZED into FLESH. (The TRUTH). If you don't understand this obvious fact. You're in limbo.

So LIFE was created thru the entercession of the Spirit with the Human body, the Biological Being into Flesh. 

The Complete Cycle from Spirit to Flesh is the completion of the Circle of LIFE thru the WOMB. (The LIFE).

THE Women's Womb is the only real Portal for Resurrection. Not Jesus Christ. This is false and Mental Trap...(AERO/ARRO)

Human Brain and the Soul

When the Biological Body dies, the BRAIN had accumulated and stored all our life-time memories and experienced. Nothing was lost. The Spirit or Souĺ stored everything for safe-keeping. 

When the Spirit came back to Life and became Flesh, it retrieved all the Experienced and Memories of our previous lives to relearn again, again and again. Death is a Human Construct. It was an agreed upon conclusion, Energy is transformed and can be Created. Never Destroyed. Humans as Sexual Energy is Immortal...

IS-BE and Spirituality

Immortal Spiritual Beings. Spirit is Never Born. It Exist for the Everlasting now. There is Nothing Eternal in the Space Universe but Life and Existence. If Life is Infinite. No End. No Beginning. If Nothing Can't Exist. What is Left is ExisteWhen You Know Who You Are. 

You need no Hero, Demon and God to be Worship. You Are free from Idolatry. 

Be Yourself and Have Self Confidence. The Space Universe is Limitless. So many possibilities and potential.

Be Brave and Strong but Peaceful. Out of this World Explode...

Make Friend with Yourself

Make Friends with Yourself. Know Thyself. Don't Be Afraid of Your Fellow Human Being. Learned how to Properly estimate the Character of ...