Sunday, March 2, 2025

National Social Central Nervous System

Society has also its own working Central Nervous System. Politics and Economics are the People's Business. 

We can measure the tendency or intensity of social crisis by following and listening to people's clamor for social change. The feedback zone is the cultural and traditional - this is where the People's Ideas, Emotions, Attitudes, and Behaviors are Manifesting.

If the Mind or the Leadership, the State, or any form of administrative Agency is quick to detect these changes of attitude among the People, it can construct a workable framework from the change of attitude and behavior of the People are easily or quickly accommodated. Because of an obsolete form of political setup through the hierarchal form of leadership, it can hardly follow the social attitude of the politically and socially-minded people. The transmission belt is clogged with corrupt Minds and Behavior, which hinders the Smooth feedback zone or Societal Neurons- the People's Minds or the Hearts and Minds.

This is where the Administrative transmission belt comes in. Every Social Crisis has a feedback zone that triggers a symptom of Social Sickness. Moreover, all Departments, Administrative agencies, People's Org, NGOs, Individuals, and platforms should have maximized, organized, and mobilized to tackle a particular or General social problem. Likewise, Social Media Platforms should be used in the endeavors. Spreading Important News and info that need to be addressed quickly. Attacking the Root of the Social Problem that is to be Solved Relentlessly and Wholeheartedly. All Minds and Energy should be directed to Solving the lingering Social Problems. A hierarchy organization or overcentralized setup would not be capable of handling the immense social problems faced by the People and Society.

Again an Appropriate form of Social Organization that is capable of handling and confronting all ramifications of the Social Problem. Flexibility, Adaptability, and Quick Response are the keys to achieving Great Social Tasks for People and Society. A fervent and indomitable determination.

Research, Development, and Intelligence R, D & I should be put into Service for the People, Race and Nation. All for the Development of a Good Quality Human Race. You might say an Extra-Terrestrial Beings...

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