Sunday, March 2, 2025

Make Friend with Yourself

Make Friends with Yourself. Know Thyself. Don't Be Afraid of Your Fellow Human Being. Learned how to Properly estimate the Character of Your Kind...

Creation and Nature

The First Creations are Asexual Species. These are Spiritual Beings or Immortal Spiritual Beings IS-BEs, that can Enter at Will to Any Form of Creations. Spirits areNever Born. They Exist for All Eternity. Then After Trillions of Years, the Extra Terrestrials Decided to Create a Species with (Sexual Reproduction) including Homosapients. For the Creations to Continue to Multifly by Itself - Arcadia Regeneration Company ARC

Sexual Energy and Spirituality

Primarily, Sexual Marriage is about balancing Sexual Energy to complement Each Other's potential in a personal limited way in Social Relationships. 

Secondarily, it is not about "raising a family" it is an optional category. You can be off without a Child. 

Thirdly, harmonizing and balancing the polarity of Sexual Energy. If it gets out of hand, there will be dysfunctional and unbalanced social Relationships. 

Humans as Sexual Energy is Eternal. If Energy Can't Destroyed. It can only be Transformed. 

Naturally, on a larger scale, it will affect our Social Relations among People.

Mind is the Biggest Sex Organ and the Erogenous Zone Reacts to Your Imagination.

Women can postpone Marriage until before their Menopause Period. Plenty of Time for Improvement I guess. It is just the Same with Men. 

If Your Priority is the Improvement for Lasting Relations. Why Raise a Family of its not Really the Urgent need to Begin with. Why in a Hurry...?

The study of MIND and SPIRIT is where all the Knowledge of Our Being Starts. It is the Process of Knowing Who We Are.

Psychologists and Teachers should have to concentrate their Teaching Lessons on the Study of MIND AND SPIRIT...

Human Rights and Sociology

Always Remember Folks. HUMAN RIGHTS is Above the Laws and the State. USED IT WISELY. Those so-called "Law Enforcers" and "Authoritative Agency" can Easily Disregard Your Humanity as If they are Above the Laws. There is so Much Twisting and Reversing Happening in this World because of Hypnotic Suggestions to Outrightly Violate HUMAN RIGHTS and CIVIL LIBERTY. CIVIL LIBERTY is Above the "Authoritative Agency". The Effect is Societal...

Political Science and Radical Psychology

 Consciousness and Social Awakening.

If Politics is a Science of Citizenship and Leadership. Leadership and Order is the Stuff that makes a Civilization last. Make it a Real Hard Core Science because it deals with Complex Human Social Relationships. 

Political Science is a Form of Radical Psychology. Corruption Perception and Blurred Vision Has No Place in Real Socio-Political Direction. To Lead Your People to a Chasm is a Political Blunder and a Crime. Higher Idealism is the Core of Political Science. Political Science is a Tool for Correct form of Analyzing Social Problems, Confront the Social Problem Squarely with Clear Social Direction: 

Social Sciences and Natural Sciences...

Motherhood and Parenthood

For Motherhood and Parenthood. Late Upload...

Zeus or Ieus "The Way. The Truth and the Life?" This is Incorrect. 

In order for the Spirit to be reborn and incarnated into Flesh. There must be a MEDIUM (the WAY) for the Spirit to become Flesh. 

It's not thru "christ" This is false belief and wrong perspective. This is Corruption of the Circle of LIFE. Not the "truth."

Only thru the WOMEN'S WOMB could the Spirit be Reborn and Resurrected to be REALIZED into FLESH. (The TRUTH). If you don't understand this obvious fact. You're in limbo.

So LIFE was created thru the entercession of the Spirit with the Human body, the Biological Being into Flesh. 

The Complete Cycle from Spirit to Flesh is the completion of the Circle of LIFE thru the WOMB. (The LIFE).

THE Women's Womb is the only real Portal for Resurrection. 
Not Jesus Christ. This is false and Mental Trap...(AERO/ARRO)

National Social Central Nervous System

Society has also its own working Central Nervous System. Politics and Economics are the People's Business. 

We can measure the tendency or intensity of social crisis by following and listening to people's clamor for social change. The feedback zone is the cultural and traditional - this is where the People's Ideas, Emotions, Attitudes, and Behaviors are Manifesting.

If the Mind or the Leadership, the State, or any form of administrative Agency is quick to detect these changes of attitude among the People, it can construct a workable framework from the change of attitude and behavior of the People are easily or quickly accommodated. Because of an obsolete form of political setup through the hierarchal form of leadership, it can hardly follow the social attitude of the politically and socially-minded people. The transmission belt is clogged with corrupt Minds and Behavior, which hinders the Smooth feedback zone or Societal Neurons- the People's Minds or the Hearts and Minds.

This is where the Administrative transmission belt comes in. Every Social Crisis has a feedback zone that triggers a symptom of Social Sickness. Moreover, all Departments, Administrative agencies, People's Org, NGOs, Individuals, and platforms should have maximized, organized, and mobilized to tackle a particular or General social problem. Likewise, Social Media Platforms should be used in the endeavors. Spreading Important News and info that need to be addressed quickly. Attacking the Root of the Social Problem that is to be Solved Relentlessly and Wholeheartedly. All Minds and Energy should be directed to Solving the lingering Social Problems. A hierarchy organization or overcentralized setup would not be capable of handling the immense social problems faced by the People and Society.

Again an Appropriate form of Social Organization that is capable of handling and confronting all ramifications of the Social Problem. Flexibility, Adaptability, and Quick Response are the keys to achieving Great Social Tasks for People and Society. A fervent and indomitable determination.

Research, Development, and Intelligence R, D & I should be put into Service for the People, Race and Nation. All for the Development of a Good Quality Human Race. You might say an Extra-Terrestrial Beings...

National Socialist Revolutionary Movement

National Socialism is a Political and Social Philosophy and ideology that promotes Racial and Social Unity. In short, Racial Socialism is in contrast with the Marxist Leninist Party Ideology or Bolshevism.

True Patriotism is Racial Nationalism. No Nationalism Promotes Class Struggle. Class Struggle is Divisive just Like Religious Bigotry and Fanaticism. Class terrorism and Religious Divisiveness are anathema to Racial Nationalism and Unity.

The Supreme Role of the State is to protect, serve, and preserve the Racial Stock - the characteristics, intelligence, talent, skills, and aptitude of its People.

State - the Vessel. Substance - the Racial Stock meaning its People. That is the Historical Role of the State. Aside from this role, all states are monstrosity.

The power of the State will be preserved if the 3 components of its power are maintained. 

First. The Civil Service. The Racial Stock, Tradition, and Culture (people) and the Military-Army that Sustained and Supported it.

Second. The traditions that buttress the ideas, cultural orientations, mores, economic systems and orientations, attitudes, and social norms that support the very foundation of the lives of the People.Their ways of Life.

Third. The role of the National Socialist Folk Army is to Serve and Protect the Racial Stock from which its members came...

Make Friend with Yourself

Make Friends with Yourself. Know Thyself. Don't Be Afraid of Your Fellow Human Being. Learned how to Properly estimate the Character of ...