Saturday, March 27, 2021


According to the basic foundation of theoretical physics; like signs repel and unlike signs attract. Now we're going to examine this theoretical premise if this is true by application and by mathematical computations...

Like signs repel and unlike signs attract. Let's try to express this in mathematical terms. Let's apply the addition of signs and unlike signs...

If we have +5 +5, the answers will be +10. It follows that if we have -5 -5 answer will be -10. But if we have -5 +10 the answer will be +5 or if +10 -15 the answer will be -5...

Now according to the basic theoretical physics; like signs repel. But in the case of addition by like signs, we have a different answer. It follows that the addition of such signs only shows to us that it adds up or only increases (add) the value of the two given numbers. The addition of the union signs suggests that a new answer will be resolved. Instead of increasing the value of the two given numbers, it decreases (subtracts) the value by half...

Our answer should be; like signs attract and unlike signs repel. Which is now the opposite of the very foundation of theoretical physics...

We have to show through basic mathematical equations that the basic premise of theoretical physics doesn't conform to the basic laws of the four fundamental operations (additional, multiplication, subtraction, division)...

Based on our findings we can now formulate for basic electricity; where I – is current and E – is the voltage. Thus our new formula will be;

I=E or I=E2. We can currently equal to voltage or we can interchange the formula with E=I. It shows also that formula is now congressional with Albert Einstein's Einstein's E.m2. Energy is equal to the mass times the speed of light. Now we have a unified theory of quantum physics...

Resistance in this manner is no longer applicable and all conductive objects are but a medium from which the electrical current is traveling and the speed of light. What is 1-ohm resistant compared to the speed of light which is 186,000 mi/s or 300 million m/s? Non-sense – not applicable. No resistance is produced.

The role of science here is not to predict each molecule is traveling and an instance in free space. The major point is that they are not. Science has the ability to observed and analyzed each important evolutionary event in the intergalactic and cosmological universe, however it has not been able to ascertain accurately the position of each tiny particle of molecules and any point of perspective. Just as you can't hit the epicenter of an earthquake on the earth's plate tectonics. nBy nature, molecules are interacting with each other. They move in different directions with constant speed but don't collide. Molecules can be seen by the naked eye. They are very small matters, very smart. They have glossy, white color and very bright. Union, recombination, chemical, and physical changes are but the characteristics of internal and evolutionary movements of molecular matters. Even for a minute (quanta) structure of matters and energy, there is no suggestion that molecules are colliding and exploding. It has been confirmed that energy can be trained nor destroyed. Energy and all its combined elements will be existing forever – forever. Thus, the big bang theory is wrong.

The new formula will lead us to conclude that there is no electrostatic energy (stationary) and that the potential and kinetic energy is always present in every living matters in the whole universe; dust and gaseous molecules, nebulae, the quasar, pulsar, the planets, galaxies, and the galaxies of the Milkyway, are but a different manifestation, configuration, transformation, metamorphosis, and dynamic transformation of the electromagnetic field force and the laws of nature.

Space provided us a ready-made macro-micro environment in which all ingredients for the formation of basic building blocks of life are ever-present forever. Space is an environment that all living organisms have a chance for survival and will be tent to flourish. It has furnished us with an unlimited time frame for evolutionary creation. Thus the space-time continuum is a holographic picture from all life's forms that can be observed and viewed artistically, poetically, realistically, scientifically. Space itself, in reality, an extremely boundary living furnace where all other evolutionary dynamic forms of life can be created.

Generally, outer space is a vast reservoir of unlimited and free electromagnetic fields that force energy. Technicians, Engineers, Scientists, and Technologists have only need to invent a device or mechanical instruments with self-generating power (reverse technology) to tap the natural energy from free space. Natural energy is omnipresent, omniscient – all-powerful.

The possibility of creating the impossible cases is always present in this world. We have to actually do that.

Nature favors beings who follow it course. Our mind will be guided by just letting the ways of nature run its own. Nature is simply the summation of the inter-galactic and cosmological universal intelligence. That's what the splendid beauty we seek seriously. It's a fade.

We must observe and obey its laws carefully and respect its awesome power.

What do I want to prove here? The foundation of physics law is wrong because of the movement of natural things in the world, things are not really negative or positive, it depends on how we propose or adapt the law of natural energy into our lives. A big part of it, but also all free for mankind...

Next Freedom...

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