Saturday, April 25, 2020

Social Revolution and State

"How Darwin discovered the law of the development of organic nature, Marx also discovered the law of the development of human history: the simple fact, until now hidden by the extreme growth of ideology, that humanity must first of all eat, drink, have a place to live and dress, before it pursues politics before it pursues politics, science, art, religion, etc.; that therefore making an immediate material approach, and thus the degree of economic development achieved by a particular person or during a particular period, builds the foundation on which the institutions of the state, the legal concepts, the arts, and even religious ideas, of those concerned, have progressed, and in the light to which they should, therefore, explain, rather than the opposite, as it has always been."

This is something that should or should be the right role of the State in the history of mankind.

The basic needs of the individual, particularly women and men, come here to build relationships and society of the Earth. Of course, there is what we call love, feelings, feelings, and love in Human culture on Earth. Again this concept is general. We don't take it away from the State building. A state with no love, or care and no general love for its race, is a dead creature on Earth. It is useless.

The question for all is what should be the most important role of the State in the Lives of People in Society? It's still leadership, isn't it? As well as the man's sperm inside the uterus when it encounters the woman's egg in the Fallopian tube or Uterus swims to meet it inside and says "get in" The sperms are in unity to meet the egg.

The sexual reproduction of t humans and the propagation of the race follows the creation of reproduction for the sustenance of the human race to survive.

Where in the World do you take these people without a clear goal of ruling the race of men.

Racial Instinct is different from Racist Ideology. Self Preservation and Racial instinct.

This relationship between man and woman is the foundation or basis of the creation of the human race. This is where the development of tribes, towns, and communities began. You take care of that community. You will defend. That's why you have a defense or an army.

Clans of tribes and families. These families formed an alliance based on their social progress, including the wealth they created and cultivated, from the labor of their countrymen, relatives, or race. It has deep emotional ties to build community. That's why there were heroes in other places in ancient times.

To maintain this relationship of social development let's create a type of management that will ensure the growth of society the way of establishing a state power, administration, leadership, or management.

Governance is different from the concept of rule.

The management of things in society does not require a violent army of rulers, but only a kind of administration. This is not an instrument for you to subdue your own people.

The resources accumulated over time in the development of clans and kin, it created an artificial class. This is where the ingenuity of other relatives and good care of the resources that were left to them or that their relative joined the tribe came into play. However, their property remained communal. Some have been creative in their lifestyles, while others have no appreciation for their heritage.

In establishing state power, the Marxist Leninists separated from the National Socialists with regard to State power.

Instead of using the artificial division of people by class as a weapon, for society to progress, the National Socialist did the opposite, he used it as an instrument for the development of the race he leads, instead of fighting against the relatives who are already separated for a long time but with patriotic feelings, seeking National Unity. The former tribes, peoples, and races have longed for National Unity and Identity. This is where the concept of "Nation-State" was born.

How will social order be maintained?

The Marxist solution to this conflict is to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat. Others such as Liberal Democrats, National Democrats, Social Democrats, and Socialist Democrats serve the people of the State and follow the laws assigned by the government or follow the personal whim of the individual, and his life, or be a "welfare" state" as if the state is only a provider of immediate needs in an economic way. They do not have a clear stance on what is the historical role of the State in human and race development.

For the Anarchists, the complete abolition of State power was the solution because it was a tool of the ruling class to rule over others. Naturally, all types of dictatorship and totalitarianism are natural enemies of Revolutionary Anarchist Ideology.

Is the National Socialist People's State a type of dictatorship in class or race? Nope. We're going to fight over there.

The National Socialist used the State Power to become an instrument of the development of the Nation he leads. This means that its role has been reversed, instead of civilizing the people in the State, the State has become the tool for the development of the people it leads and not intensify the conflict of classes.

The State can embrace the good qualities of the people, the ingenuity and talents of the people, and their intelligence. The race and people that are the substance of society are the reason why there is State power. It means that the State is only a tool or instrument in the important goal of the development of human nature.

The state is just a means to an end. The state is the Vessel or Ship and the Substance of the Passengers is the Racial Stock.

For Marxists, it is an instrument to suppress the bourgeoisie, the dictatorship of the proletariat against the capitalist people.

As a National Socialist, use the country's capitalist wealth to develop the race you lead. It means you subordinate the interest of capital to the material forces of society so that people can develop.

The National Socialist is the brain, and capital is its slave to civilize the race and people. In this order and social perspective, it is natural that the labor power of people or workers is more important instead of the capital that rules the society.

You do not enslave the people, the industries and agriculture, or all the material resources of the society you submit to the disposal of the Race and the State that represents it.

Capital and the material wealth of that communal society which is the property of the whole race is the slave of the National Socialist Folk State.

This is indeed the National Socialist State of the People and Race. Is it clear or vague? Who has a clearer vision regarding the proper use and function of State Power?

The National Socialist Estado ng Taumbayan is the Ship and those on board are the substance but the race or people that are being led...

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