Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Young Entrepreneur


Ladies and gentlemen,

Greetings of Solidarity and Internationalism…

We will not expect that this letter, an e-mail will be published in your magazine, the Entrepreneur because it contains information some people wouldn’t bother to discuss. Too revolutionary, so they say. As if the Earth’s rotation about its axis, if the revolution isn’t part of our day-to-day life. Nevertheless, we would like you to know that we support your organization, the goals, and the principles you want to convey and realize. We are one with YOU.

Small-scale industries are the basic components of an emerging economy, which try to uplift the livelihood of the people and their bare necessities. We believe that it is the PEOPLE who are the decisive factor in all socioeconomic endeavors and social developments. However, most of our compatriots have meager incomes and have no means to uplift themselves from poverty.

The Philippine Economy and Philippine Financial System do not support the very lifeblood of our society, the poor workers and peasants. We could only make a decisive forward leap if we could defeat and uproot the basic problems of the Philippine society, the government’s unfit leadership, and the strangulation of our economy by foreign capitalist interest from the feudal-capitalist patriarchal economic system. We can not forever, accommodate ourselves from this kind of socio-economic system. So, it is a historical decision.

For us to take off economically, we must struggle for the Agrarian-Industrial Revolution, the socialization of all arable and agricultural lands. The Philippine Financial System must reorient and redirect its financing from foreign transactions to domestic needs and enterprises to boost our local industries and entrepreneurs, specifically, the small-scale industries (to generate employment), people who are directly affected by the ebb and flow of national and global economic crisis. Likewise, Renewable Resources shall be the basic energy based on the Agrarian-Industrial Revolution (A.I.R.). These are the general visions that we have in mind.

Light and medium-scale enterprises will be born directly from the basic industries and entrepreneurs. Now from the light and medium industries, in the process, heavy industries will raise based on the concrete needs and requirements of the small enterprises, light and medium industries. (We can not maintain a sound socioeconomic system by establishing small-scale industries side by side with the establishment of modern machinery but after the need for it arises. This kind of it would only deplete our natural resources). Following this line, the agriculture sector could boost the production of all agricultural products to supply the goods and commodities needed by the small, light, and medium industries. Now, the research and development, the science and technology needed shall follow through from the general plan and course of the Agrarian-Industrial Revolution (AIR)…

Agriculture and Industry exist independently from each other, but interdependently complement one another, as if symbiotic relations exist just like ecology. In Nature, there is no such thing as a hierarchy of things, there only exists a relationship of matters that has life and ever-changing and interconnections of life and nature. What we are trying to say is this, we must create a social milieu, a socioeconomic sphere, a socio-cultural sphere, a scientific-technological sphere, socio-political sphere that rightly corresponds to the kind of society we want to make. Just like in a jigsaw puzzle, why? Because we can not change the superstructure of our society if the social relations will only continue to produce the kind of alienation and oppressive conditions that (exist) we have.

So in other words, the superstructure of our society must correspond to the social mode of production. The social mode of production has two related systems: the relations of production and the forces of production. Without the harmonization of these two related systems, you can not create a workable and flexible economic structure that attune to the basic needs of our people and society.

The relations of production pertains to the ownership of all the instruments of a production system, the modern industry, the inventions of modern technology appropriate to simplified productions, the vast privately-owned agricultural land, the financial and banking system, and all the capital incentive which are necessary for the whole economy to work efficiently. It answers the question, who owns the principal means of producing wealth?

The forces of production are all the resources Mother Nature has given to us, the workers and the peasants, the skilled laborers, the scientist-technologist, the think-tank of innovations, and all the wage earners in the modern capitalist society. These people are the ones who bring in the surplus capital necessary for continued reproduction. They are the army of surplus labor and many of them are unemployed. Without them, the cog and well of the modern capitalist mode of production would not work. It answers the question, who is the creator of social wealth? 

Why is it that we can not tap the intelligent human power that we have? 

Because they have to free social means of production from private ownership which supports and corresponds to the social relations created by the colonial, feudal-capitalist patriarchal relation of production. Until we change the mode of production from the capitalist privately-owned production system to a socialist mode of production, we can not change the abject conditions this socioeconomic system supports. At least you can ameliorate some social problems that need to be attended to. But for how long to sustain it, that’s the big question.

That is why we must create new conditions and institutions, and new social relationships necessary for the continuation, the development of which would support the right situations and conditions that would bring out a favorable atmosphere for socio-economic development. Unlike the present situation, it doesn’t. It seems that all roads to social development are against us.

No way the capitalist class of the world could amazing and perfectly mastered social production and development as long as the management of socializing productions is within the framework of a capitalist private mode of production. The capitalist mode of production cannot unleash the creative and powerful energy of the laboring masses for social creation. This is our historical indictment.

Then you would say, what will be our long-term goals and visions? That my friend I will leave for you as a question. Until we have a wide range of social discussions about the visions we want until we have traced out all the possibilities and honestly evaluate all angles and social realities, until then, the experience will only be the best weapon and teacher, and the lessons of it would tell us if we have been right or wrong.

We don’t represent the people. But at least, we share some of those visions and dreams…

Respectfully Yours,

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