Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Extricate Ourselves from Social Mysticism

Extricate Ourselves from Social Mysticism

Greetings of Solidarity and Internationalism

The real transformation of the Philippine Society can be brought about by the conscious effort of the Filipino masses. Historically, our people have undergone various trials and errors just to correct the mistakes of our experience. 

Politically, our system has been modeled to that of the Western civilization, which in the final analysis has not been adapted to our condition and situation as an archipelagic country. The political parties have only served to entrench and cement the interest of the rich family in our society, the Oligarchs. Electoral processes are just a waste of time and resources of the people, what we get are only minimal concessions, unreal and illusory. Our friends and relatives cannot even be elected to assume leadership based on their skills and knowledge. We only postpone the imminent downfall of the ruling class by participating in such false exercises. Republicanism, democracy, dictatorship, parliamentary, and constitutionalism all forms of disguise overlordship, have proven nothing to organize the people and society the way we should want it to be. Why? Because all forms of government are the same, which has their corresponding style of domination and oppression.

Our conclusion is this, no matter how sincerely we want to organize and mobilize the people based on the hierarchical-bureaucratic system we would not succeed. It is a proven fact and no one can deny it. It has been proven by experience and has been written many times before in history books. The only way out is to depart radically from that form of subservience to any idolatrous symbolism, God, Satan, church, and government are just the extreme form of idolatry. Let us look within ourselves, inwardly and we would discover that freedom could be attained through self-discovery.

It’s a war of nerves. We have got used to it. We have almost perfected it. We are just buying our time for the ripe moment to take on the ruling class and overthrow them.

We are counting on you, from the support of the masses of the people particularly the bulk of the Revolutionary Proletarian Movement, ranging from the sector of the Banking and Finance for the direct seizure of the people’s wealth and money from the bureaucratic capitalist, financial oligarchy and the multinational monopolist to support all social developments, the Manufacturing and Agricultural sector for the control of production system for faster and efficient distribution of goods and commodities to any point of the archipelago and the socialization of all agricultural land for the benefit of the poor peasants, the Urban Poor for the direct participation to social reconstruction and social planning, the Tele-communication, TV and Radio Stations for the propagation of the people’s need and interest, the Transportation sector for effective delivery and freeway for the people, the Teacher sector for the reorientation of our educational system, the Individuals for voluntary mass-action, do-it-yourself and self-help.

We don’t have the blueprint for all these direct social activities however, we have faith in the people. Social Revolution is a mass undertaking therefore, no need for a hierarchical organizational structure. 

What we need is coordinated voluntary direct action from all the people concerned to control our national economy and industry with help from the different sectors of our society. From here, to that level of social consciousness and direct voluntary actions, we could go directly for the reorientation of our national and social life simply by announcing and broadcasting our intentions and goals. We are in favor of a Socialist Economic Order with Socialist Ecological considerations but, with conscious administrative intervention from the government machinery, the State. 

National Socialist Folk State shall be the pioneering instrument in promoting a balance Societal system. The State will be the form of leadership and its substance shall be the Racial Stock. National Socialist Folk State will promote the revolutionary chemistry of our society. It shall protect, serve, and defend the Nation, People, and Society. 

We don’t need to be an imperialist and “superpower” nation just to be “great.” What a difference it could make if we become a country of anarchists. Statist thinkers are afraid of free people. Let us create wonderful and amazing things for our country.

Again, this is not to suggest or to command you, that we know the ways and means for revolutionary social transformation, the people must participate in it. This is, just a public recommendation being submitted for scrutiny by the people for refinement and finishing touch. This letter can be pass-on for comments and suggestions to any individuals, groups, and organizations, who are sincere, honest, and straightforward in dealings with the seriousness, of the realities of our social life. But we should not depart or deviate from the general directions that we have mentioned above.

According to Nadia C.

1. Make politics relevant to our everyday experience of life again. The farther away from the object of our political concern, the less it will mean to us, the less real and pressing it will seem to us, and the more wearisome politics will be.
2. All political activity must be joyous and exciting in itself. You cannot escape from dreariness with more dreariness.
3. To accomplish those first two steps, entirely new political approaches must be created. The old ones are outdated and outmoded. Perhaps they were NEVER any good, and that’s why our world is the way it is now.
4. Enjoy yourselves…!!! There is never any excuse for being bored…or boring!

“Join us in making the “revolution” a game; a game played for the highest stakes of all, but a joyous, carefree game nonetheless…”

For Revolution, Socialism, Love, and Joy...

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