Saturday, January 7, 2023

National Socialist Central Bank NATIONAL SOCIALIST ECONOMY

If a county has its gold reserved and can print money based on the gold backup, the National Economy is stable. 

The National Central Bank should cut taxation to a minimum or abolish it. Why raise taxes exorbitantly if you can print more circulating capital to run the National Economy without a social crisis?

Bail out the working masses thru social service funds from the printed money with gold backup.
Then lower the prices of commodities. Subsidies the small and medium industries. Lower their retail price. People will buy goods and services. Demands for goods and services will rise, and social reproduction will continue. Industries and trade will resume their operations. 

What is National Social Economy without the participation of the People?

Rise the social wages (purchasing power) of the people with the corresponding increase in the standard of living. Balance the gap between the rich and the poor through radical social reform. 

The state should have applied social planning, intervention, and strict monitoring policy to all branches of the National Socialist Economy... 

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