Friday, September 8, 2023


The Whole Space Universe is not Physics and Mathematics. 

Chemistree, Physics,  and Mathemetics are but only the language of Definition and  Description for Matters and Living Beings. 

But at the Center, are Energy and Spirit Beings, the Invisible Composition of Life.

Mass=Density×Volume. The Bigger the Mass of the Galaxy. The Stronger its Magnetism. The Stronger it Will Absorb, Add, Attract, Combine, Swallow other Smaller Galaxies. The More Energy it gains, the Longer will be the Life span of a Galaxy. I Love It Too. 

Now Our Galaxy is under the Aegis, Auspices of the Domain Expeditionary Galactic Force...


The Extra Terrestrials or the Immortal Spiritual Beings are not in favor of any religious denominations including the so-called "chosen people of god" on this Planet.

These religious grp are the remnants of the oppressive slave-owning autocratic regime with their GHQ on Planet Mars, which had been defeated a long time ago by Domain Expeditionary Galactic Force in this sector of Our Galaxy. The Message. Be Aware.

Keep on Spreading the Truth with Lightings and Thunderstorm...



We HATE secret society. Beware of their HIDDEN agenda. Beware of FALSE romises.

In the End opportunism and treason doesn't pay off. You destroy yourself by earning money from being a double agent for deception.  Which ever way you're Still the Bad guy, because You Doesn't have a Strong foundation for Your Personal Principle and Conviction. You are just a Pawn in a Tug of War.



When the Domain Expeditionary Galactic Force defeated the old empire slave-owning autocratic regime with their general head quarter on Mars. What is left are the remnants of the old slave mentality. 

The US imperialist is mimicking the old empire operatives. Democracy as a front. Free speech as a scapegoat. Reviving their ugly and corrupt leadership. Their Boss had already been DEFEATED a long time ago in this sector of Our Galaxy. 

Their GHQ on Mars had been smashed and destroyed...


Wednesday, August 9, 2023


 The "Story of the ARK of Noah" is inaccurate and enttirely incomplete. 

It doesn't present the whole picture of the Creation. The Creators (ET) is as much important as the Creations. This is to clarify that all the Creations had been Innovated, Modified, Tested, Upgraded to complement & augment the diversified Planetary Environmental Systems. In accordance on the Classification of a Planet.

ARC stands for ARCADIA REGENERATION COMPANY this was the group of Extra Terrestrials that Created all kinds of Mammals including the Dinosaurs (Air, Land &Sea Creatures). They manipulated the DNA/RNA in sucĥ a fashion to mould the different species of all living Animals including Humans.

The BUG & BLOOSOMS are group of Extra Terrestrials who created all kinds of Plants, Trees, Flowers and the Small Insects of all kinds. They manipulated the molecular ingredient and the bio-chemical compositions of all kinds of Fauna & Flora.

In other words, a Company of Evolved Beings (ET) that are expert and specializing on the Creation of Life.

This is to cut short the long story. Space Universe has been in Existence for around 4 Four Quadrillion years. The Planetary Systems had been designed to last for all Eternity and has been in Existence for about 200 Trillion years. So there will be no Doomsday. Space Universe will continue to Expand for Eternity.

It's a Big Lies by the translator of the bible that only "ONE GOD" was the creator of all the things in the Solar Systems, the Galaxies and Space Universe as a Whole. The Creators are expert in Bio-Chemistree & Bio-Physics.

The theory that there is only "one god as creator" is False and a Big Lies...

The Truth of Life

 Ieus  "The Way. The Truth and the Life?" This is Incorrect. 

In order for the Spirit to be reborn and incarnated into Flesh. There must be a MEDIUM (the WAY) for the Spirit to become Flesh. 

It's not thru "christ" This is false belief and wrong perspective. This is Corruption of the Circle of LIFE. Not the "truth."

Only thru the WOMEN'S WOMB could the Spirit be Reborn and Resurrected to be RELIAZED into FLESH. (The TRUTH). If you don't understand this obvious fact. You're in limbo.

So LIFE was created thru the entercession of the Spirit with the Human body, the Biological Being into Flesh. 

The Complete Cycle from Spirit to Flesh is the completion  of the Circle of LIFE thru the WOMB. (The LIFE).

THE Womens'Womb is the only real Portal for Resurrection. Not Jesus Christ. This is false and Mental Trap...(ARRO)Ieus  "The Way. The Truth and the Life?" This is Incorrect. 

In order for the Spirit to be reborn and incarnated into Flesh. There must be a MEDIUM (the WAY) for the Spirit to become Flesh. 

It's not thru "christ" This is false belief and wrong perspective. This is Corruption of the Circle of LIFE. Not the "truth."

Only thru the WOMEN'S WOMB could the Spirit be Reborn and Resurrected to be RELIAZED into FLESH. (The TRUTH). If you don't understand this obvious fact. You're in limbo.

So LIFE was created thru the entercession of the Spirit with the Human body, the Biological Being into Flesh. 

The Complete Cycle from Spirit to Flesh is the completion  of the Circle of LIFE thru the WOMB. (The LIFE).

THE Womens'Womb is the only real Portal for Resurrection. Not Jesus Christ. This is false and Mental Trap...(ARRO)

The Atheist

 Personal Declaration and Creed. 


Extra Terrestrial Beings are ATHEISTS. No more Argument, Debate or any kind of Explaination. All Humans are Sexual Energy. Energy can't be Destroyed. It can only be Transformed. Energy and Spirits are Eternal. 

Immortal Spiritual Beings IS-BEs...

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

If there is "only one" race. We should have already mastered "one language".

To master the art of communication is to master your native language first (your particular race). Use that language to understand our inner self, your people, your society system: and the whole central nervous system of your particular society, And humans will enter the stage of the art of telepathic communications.

I don't mind the color of your "skin" 'cause skin color can be cloned just like the human face.

Since humans are biological beings. Accept the historical fact that there are only two complementary sexual organs for humans. Asexual reproduction for plants and animals is an exception. Until the time that we can clone ourselves, and create our own image without the use of sexual organs. By then, we have to design a "human body" that does not require food from plants and animals for survival.
A self-regenerating human body produces its own internal energy. It is the subject of higher human evolutionary development.

The mere fact that humans have different languages ​​suggests that there is artificial division among different races but with different variations of local and provincial languages.

There are political groups that advocate "multiculturalism" but more division and misunderstanding crop up. Wrong form of assimilation. Can you understand the Tagalog language instantly? A dictionary is required.

If we don't respect our differences we won't be able to understand each. We have the same anatomical structure. It is a Universal fact.

Only by knowing our differences, the particular to universal: political, economic, and cultural differences can we be able to master the "common language". But some political ideologues use these "differences" for the purpose of divide and rule.

These kinds of humans are dregs and jackals of society. It compromises human development
This is where the great world social problem needs to be addressed.

We need to invent an ideology that promotes universal development for all races (humanitarianism not racism or multiculturalism) with particular emphasis on specific differences depending on social sensitivity and morality.

The common language is science and technology it has a particular and universal application.
Sorry if my English is bereft of grammatical refinement. Not my native language...

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Four Types of Cohesion:
First Horizontal Cohesion
Second Vertical Cohesion
Third Organizational Cohesion
Fourth Societal Cohesion

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Sunday, February 12, 2023


NATIONAL SOCIALIST REVOLUTION - is a Social Revolution that aims to destroy and defeat the international monopoly stock exchange through interest-bearing capital that enslaved humanity. Abolish the Servitude to Interest on Money. It seeks to unite all Races to Rise up against International Monopoly Finance Capitalism...

Monday, January 16, 2023

I'm a National Socialist.

I believe in the Immortal Spiritual Being and the Extra Terrestrials.
The difference between National  Socialist and other political beliefs and ideologies is that we do not promote religious bigotry. 

Adolf Hitler was a devoted Roman Catholic. He did not promote religious war. He was able to unify both Protestants and Catholics as one people, race, and nation. 

National Socialists are not "centrist, leftist, or rightist" as there are only good and bad behaviors and right and wrong conduct.

The detractors of the National 
Socialists accused us of being racist. We are not Racist but Pro-Race Pro-Society. We only want a people and Race that is in harmony with itself. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

 "All truth passes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Second, it is violently opposed.  Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

-Arthur Schopenhauer


Make Friend with Yourself

Make Friends with Yourself. Know Thyself. Don't Be Afraid of Your Fellow Human Being. Learned how to Properly estimate the Character of ...