Thursday, May 21, 2015

Rebolusyunaryo Anarkista

Why Revolutionary?

Because of the fact of life that everything, everything is always in constant flux, even people and society. Everything that has lived in the environment, in society, and in the world constantly inter-act, moves, influences, and has counter-actions and movements. As much as it is a crisis, it is not simply mild and pure.

All revolutionary change, has a destination, it goes through complex events and relationships of movements of things that are interconnected, coexisting but competing and it leads to a connection to reorganize the tangled statuses. It is a journey and journey toward the path of righteousness and justice.

It is a science that involves our senses and brain, the material thing that thinks.

Why Anarchist?

Ever since man came to live in the world, he wanted to control things related to himself. He wanted to maintain his environment which never, never happened. He wanted to control the movements of people in his environment. Because of this, he learned to build a "government" that ensured peace in his society. He wanted to control even his fellow man who had never been perfect. Because of this, all types, forms, and characteristics of conflict have led to political conflict in all human relations in society, which will never be remedied unless man completely extinguishes any kind of political power or the desire of mind and emotions to control fellow human beings and treat them as objects.

Classes are strictly tied or linked to the specific historical event of the development of relations in production and human life. The class struggle will inevitably lead to a classless and governmentless society. People will learn to live without looking to leaders or governments to guide and direct their lives.

This is the role of the revolutionaries, the creation of a society without any type or character of power or repressive authority. Creating and maintaining relationships that are truly humane, cooperative, supportive, and loving.

The people, not objects to be manipulated. Politics and bureaucracy in government are the dirtiest part of human life in society.

Advance the Proletarian Social Revolution…

Promote a Classless Society and No Ruler or Government…

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