Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ang Organisasyon

The Organization

The Organization is the aggregate of individuals that make up any type of organization or movement.
The Organization is the collective intelligence, and ability of each individual. It is the organization of mind, action, intention, desires, and goals.

The individual makes the organization. Without the individual, there can be no group. All groups, movements started small.
From the small group of people, from isolated individuals and minority groups, it breeds the majority membership. It is a process of organizational expansion. The enlargement and expansion of the organization can be compared to water thrown on the ground. Its expansion is broad and diffuse, not upward like a hierarchical movement.

In a multi-ethnic country like LUZVIMINDA, decentralized leadership and action fully adapts and fits perfectly to all people, situations, and needs. Each unit and group will be given free movement/action and high initiative. A good leader will set it.
The Organization is the collective expression of each individual. This is the solid movement and action of all at a given time and need. There is a situation where we are not sure of the movement of each other or individual, here we give importance to the initiative and initiative of each one at all times. In summation, the movement and action of the individual, also the movement and action of all as a whole.

The minority group, the combined individual, and the voluntary group. The disparate minority groups in turn make up the majority membership. That is, it is the natural or natural development and expansion of an organization. The natural process that is not ripened by force.
Decentralized leadership and centralized action, align with the interests of individuals and minority groups. The minority should not be subordinated to the majority group if its particular interest is better for direct and independent action.

Decentralized leadership, aligns with the interests of individuals and minority groups. It values ​​​​everyone's initiatives and self initiatives. The group can better adapt to all situations and needs.
Centralized action, conforms to a certain period of action, but not to all seasons. It depends on the demands of the situation, timing, needs, and specific form of action. We are taught to be flexible at all times.

Decentralized leadership and centralized action, adapting to the flexible needs of individuals and minority groups. There is a need for the group to be porous or fragmented and there is a need to be centralized, depending on the concrete situation. This is the type of leadership that has no hierarchy, eliminating the commander of a group or monopolizing the overall movement of the organization. Only coordination is needed for the movement and action of all.
"We do not seek to rule, but we do not wish to be ruled by anyone." This is the organizational motto of the Revolutionary Anarchists...

Promote a classless society and no longer rule...

Ariel Eric Robedizo / Contribution for the writing Revolutionary Anarchist - RA

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