Monday, June 29, 2009

Art of Life

Art of Life

In the beginning was the relationship of things and matters. 

By way of chemical changes life unfolds naturally, symbiotically. 

Through dialectical ways, life begins on the surface of the Earth.

 Life would continue eternally creating

wonderful and amazing things through,

Interpenetration and Inner-logic of nature's system chemically, biologically, physically. 

 Life is like a laboratory. We are here to experiment and do the impossible,

 The purpose of which is to gain experience and accumulate knowledge,

 For effective adaptability and flexibility through learning and living. The aim of it is the evolution and the

perfection of life on Earth.

 By mastering the mode of social production for social life. Evolution and Creation.

 Gain more experience, it would guide us through life. Future and the Unknown.

 Experience, Knowledge, Wisdom... 


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lipunan at Rebolusyunaryong Anarkismo



The word Anarchism is derived from the Greek word, anarchus. It means there is no king. "an" means nothing. "archus" means king. So that means no king. Anarchus, "without a ruler."


First used and popularized by Russian theoretician Peter Kropotkin. Also, Michael Bakunin lived it during the rise of the Proletarian Revolution Movement in Europe (1848-1892).

In Europe, the history of the communist movement and the anarchist movement emerged simultaneously and were accepted by a wide number of people, especially workers and farmers. Indeed, the main reason for the separation of the First World Proletarian Movement under the leadership of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and the emergence of the Revolutionary Proletarian Anarchist Movement under the leadership of Michael Bakunin.

A split began between two sides, the so-called authoritarian or proletarian dictatorship in the labor movement and the libertarian labor movement. The birth of the communist party on the side of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as the political party of the revolutionary proletarian and the birth of the libertarian revolutionary proletarian movement on the side of Michael Bakunin, the revolutionary proletarian anarchist movement.

Any association, organization, or movement has a set time and life. This determines whether the thought and culture cultivated by any organization will continue or end. The time and social conditions in the history of mankind are the ones that determine the correctness of the ideology that people discover and live by.

The birth of the proletarian mass movement will be rooted in the slave society and the accompanying evolution and changes in social life, the economy, culture, politics, and major rebellions of the ruling class throughout the time in human history until now. According to Karl Marx, society has six stages; communal society, slave society, feudal society, capitalist society, and socialist society.

Except for the primitive-communal and communist societies, the slave, feudal, capitalist societies and the so-called socialist countries of our time, still describe the permanence of classes, the conflict between sexes and classes, the incessant oppression and exploitation, conflict of religious beliefs about God, the conflict between races, the rebellion of countries and people against imperialist countries, the general degradation of human honor and dignity and the killing of a man by man. All of this is rooted in the perpetuation and existence of capitalist exploitation and the perpetuation of governments against humanity.

That is why all the people who live from the slave society to the present time, all want to correct this system. Otherwise, avoid the current status of human life in the world. But everyone is not safe from this fact in our time. We must choose-decide if we aspire to reign over our neighbor and the government in the future.

The various governments that man has built such as monarchies, dynasties, dictatorships, junta-military, democratic governments, democratic republics, democratic states, socialist states, and authoritarianism, all of these are forms of rule by man over man. The political power associated with governments, and the kingship of man, has done no good to mankind.

The 70 years of the Soviet Union from 1920 to 1990 and the collapse of the socialist state under the leadership of the communist party, proved that any form of political rule by man over a man was destined to end. The secession of the 15 republics that make up the Soviet Union, vindicates the revolutionary anarchist's old allegation that the construction of a socialist state, will not guarantee a path to a classless and governmentless society. Add to this the huge bureaucracy created by the party that dominates the vast majority of the working class.

Even Trotsky (founder of the red army, killed by Stalin) in his "The Revolution Betrayed" presented the unique developments of the "government of workers and peasants." Volin in his "The Unknown Revolution" recounted the people's struggle in Kronstadt, Ukraine, and the Makhnovist Insurrectionary Army, also proved the errors of the Bolshevik party before the Russian revolution of 1917 was won.

For individuals, revolutionaries, groups, and organizations, it is not too late for revolutionary change. Let's study everything if possible, everything about the revolution.



There is nothing in space, the world, and society that is not constantly changing, from small things, to simple and complex. This is the law of nature that cannot be contradicted. This is the essence of dialectical materialism. The essence of changing things in it.

Studying the laws of chemistry, the elements, compounds, and mixtures are all manifestations of change within matter. The chemical composition determines whether things are hard, soft, thin, or vicious. In other words, chemistry studies quantitative change (quantitative change) to qualitative change (qualitative change). This is a lesson about the chemical life of things.

The sun is the most important energy source for humans, animals, plants, trees and forests, the environment, and the earth, for all life in space. Without the sun there is no life process on earth. Without the ball sun in the middle of the earth, there would be no gravity and the earth would not rotate. This is why the north and south have magnets.

Without the moon, the world would suddenly turn right, or left. Suddenly the water will rise, suddenly subside. The earth's rotation will turn upside down if there is no moon. The moon balances the earth's cycle - it is also the reason why there is day and night. The moon's magnetism ensures that the earth's axis is permanent. This is also the reason why there are 12 hours in the morning and 12 hours in the evening. The morning starts at 6 and ends at 6 in the afternoon.

The discovery of the law of nature is the basic basis for the study of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. This is the so-called social science.

Anarchism, like any other political thought, is an ideology. Considered the most radical political thought.

This thought teaches, that no things, relationships, systems, or social order remain forever. All past systems of rule of man over man, empires, and economic systems that have exploited man, are overthrown by the rebellion of the people. It aims to destroy all forms of human exploitation, to pave the way for a new social freedom for all. The door is opened for the continuous change of people, the economy, and society.

From then until now, the rebellions, ended up in the fall of a kingdom to support another kingdom against the people. Just changing the appearance or face of new political power. Revolutions that do not completely destroy the roots of social strife and oppression. Political groups, align to advance their respective economic interests. On the other hand, the people, or some parts of the people, help some political groups to be installed in power. Partisanism is a type of political alignment that originated in Europe. This is a foreign thought that does not fit the needs of our society as an archipelago nation or a nation of islands.

This is the common mistake of the revolutionaries and the people, the efforts to mobilize the people come to naught because they are overtaken by the political group that wants to rule. It is always the people or the vast majority of the people who are exploited. It is always a cycle the consequence of revolutions.

The revolutionary association has never been a political party. It is a revolutionary alliance of farmers and workers of the people in general. Indeed, the membership of a revolutionary alliance expands more rapidly than that of a political party and its scope is wider.

Never before has there been such a complete destruction of the roots of social unrest and poverty. The minions who maintain the exploitative social order always succeed. Any honest revolutionary, who wants to act for the liberation of the masses, must put an end to any form of rulership of man over man. Eliminate hierarchical organizational flow. This will result in eternal freedom for social relations. Freedom to do what is right without prejudice and not to be regarded as a king or god.

From this, it can be said that humanity has traveled from a complicated history to a clear and new tomorrow.


Historical materialism teaches that economic development is what strengthens and binds man to develop and seek a different form of life.

Well, it's not just an economic perse but to seek a higher form of social order. In other words an IDEAL Society. Creating an Ideal society is deeply rooted in a much deeper longing for social change.

In every development in the human economy, the means of production, equipment of production, and power of production are the first. This depends on what kind of society exists because the production system shows what kind of social order we have. This is also where people's views will be rooted based on their participation in production. This is also where the accuracy of any social thought is proven. The production of material human livelihood is the root of all social change. The culture, customs, human perception of the environment and the world, and institutions that live the existing system of production, all of them, are rooted in social relations in the production of material human livelihood.

With the discovery of modern methods of production, society is pushed to a more developed living system and the development of new thoughts and skills. But at each stage of the development of production, it temporarily encroaches upon the pre-existing system and relations of production. So from time to time a new economic crisis appears or develops.

Private ownership of the means of production, in turn, pushes society to produce too much or too many products beyond human needs, because it has no plan, the products are not given to people for free although it is the result of the worker's labor power. The main motivation here is to earn extra profit in the form of money. As a result, the true and real needs of people are destroyed, and excess products cannot be claimed by the people and the workers. In addition, the source of energy or strength for the rotation of production also causes a change in the social environment. At present, it is destroying the world's natural resources and even producing widespread ecological pollution. It can be said that the total capitalist production system no longer meets the real needs of the world's people. It is now causing a global crisis in the general system of production and social relations.

The revolutionary development of the general social consciousness of the people is important, but the destination of the Social Revolution or the path of revolutionary change can be decided even more because this will ensure the future of humanity.

This is where the critical clarification or issue for social revolution comes in. The destruction and termination of the old social relations that maintained the exploitative and oppressive order. The resurrection of true human history.

Revolutionary anarchism teaches that the revolutionary people should not build political power, because the very strength of the revolutionary movement, which is the root and foundation of the revolutionary strength, is the broad masses of the people. Nothing can stop it. There is no need to establish a government or political power for the direction or to dictate the right path of the social revolution because this reign will once again be in the interest of the people. This is a lesson in human history.

The theoretical principle of scientific socialism, the classless and governmentless society must be amended and the organizational goal of the revolutionary movement aligned with it. The revolutionary people will stray from the theoretical basis of scientific communism when a new reign or the so-called "government" is rebuilt. Because there is no real government by the people. It's an illusion.

Our goal; build a real human society and not political power. This is a historical disaster. It shouldn't happen again.

Political power was born with the birth of classes and class conflict based on control over the means of production, and private ownership of it. So the government is needed to settle this conflict or intervene on the side of the ruling classes. The abolition of private ownership in production is the target of the social revolution.

Taking control of the means of production through the revolutionary proletarian movement, the most important goal of scientific socialism is to operate according to the interests of the individual, the people, and society. Create the best conditions for the continuous development of people and society.

There is production based on the specific needs of individuals and there is production according to the interest of the people. Clothing, food, and housing are still basic human needs. Their form will change, but not their value from day to day. This will never change whatever happens in the future.

It is not human nature to be exploitative and oppressive. Everything that is not natural, is destined to end. Just as private ownership in production, unnatural and the division of man into classes, the use of money in exchange for the value of the product and labor power. All of these, are artificial ones that will only change a certain social development. It is not natural. It will end.

Society is the dwelling place of man. Humans can develop their intellectual, and mental health, greed, skills, and intelligence will be improved, if the economic impoverishment and poverty of all people will be a thing of the past.

This time, everyone can access the stage for the unceasing development of science, industry, and technology for the betterment and prosperity of human life in society.

The ultimate goal is a classless, stateless society or an Ideal Society this is the unique society to which man must aspire, a fulfilled puzzle in human history.

Contribution to Revolutionary Anarchist
Writing Ariel Eric “AiE” Robedizo / August 19, 1998 / AERO

Saturday, March 28, 2009



Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
 It can only be transform
Energy is a primeval force. It's the
beginning of everything. Energy is also
a relationship between a thing that has life.
Thus, in the beginning, was the relationship
of everything.

For this primeval force to exist
eternally with a relationship to everything,
the energy needs space.

What is energy? It is the ability
to do work. You/We exert effort to
do valuable/useful things/work.

Work is a process of doing things.
Just as it is the ability of nature
to create life.

In this case, evolution, and creation
are not two different phenomena.
The western philosophers define things
as if everything is not connected.
Thus the creation vs evolution issue. 

Nature can't create things if it doesn't
undergo a process - evolve. Nature
can't create LIFE out of anything.

Without evolution, nature can't create
something. In other words, evolution
and creation are in fact, two connecting
processes. In nature, the process produces life.

In other words, the great contradict
is just evolving or revolving around
the issue linking the two words that
suggest the same results - the processes
of evolutionary change or creation.

What is nature? We define nature as
innate/instinctive, things/matters that
are already there/existing. no one
created it. Thus natural.

Therefore, instead of saying evolution
versus creation - a dichotomy/division.

Evolutionary change is a
process of creation...


According to the basic foundation of theoretical physics; like signs repel and unlike signs attract. Now we're going to examine this theoretical premise if this is true by application and by mathematical computations...

Like signs repel and unlike signs attract. Let's try to express this in mathematical terms. Let's apply the addition of like signs and unlike signs...

If we have +5 +5, therefore, the answers will be +10. It follows that if we have -5 -5 the answer will be -10. But if we have -5 +10 the answer will be +5 or if +10 -15 the answer well be -5...

Now according to the basic theoretical physics; like signs repel. But in the case of addition by like signs we have a different answer. It follows that the addition of like signs only shows to us that it adds up or it only increases (add) the value of the two given numbers. While the addition of unlike signs gives us a different answer. Instead of increasing the value of the two given numbers it decreases (subtract) the value by half...

Therefore our answer should be; like signs attract and unlike signs repel. Which is now the opposite of the very foundation of theoretical physics...

We have shown through basic mathematical equations that the basic premise of theoretical physics doesn't conform to the basic laws of the four fundamental operations (addition, multiplication, subtraction, division)... 

Based on our finding we can now formulate our formula for basic electricity; where I – is current and E – is the voltage. Thus our new formula will be;

I=E or I=E2. Where current is now equal to voltage or we can interchange the formula with E=I. It shows also that this formula is now congruent with Albert Einstein's E=mc2. Energy is equal to the mass times the speed of light. Now we have a unified theory of quantum physics...

Resistance in this manner is no longer be applicable and all conductive objects are but a medium from which the electrical current is traveling at the speed of light. What is 1-ohm resistant compared to the speed of light which is 186,000 mi/s or 300,000,000 m/s? Non-sense – not applicable. No resistance is produced...

The role of science here is not to predict where each molecule is traveling at an instance in free space. The major point is that they are everywhere. Science may have the ability to observed and analyzed each important evolutionary event in the intergalactic and cosmological universe, however it may not be able to ascertain accurately the position of each tiny particle of molecules in any given point of perspective. Just as you can't pinpoint accurately the epicenter of an earthquake on the earth's plate tectonics...

By nature, molecules are interacting with each other. They move in different directions with constant speed but they don't collide. Molecules can be seen by the naked eye. They are very small matters, very smart. They have a glossy, white color and very bright. Union, recombination, chemical, and physical changes are but the characteristic of internal and evolutionary movements of molecular matters. Even for a minute (quanta) structure of matters and energy there is no suggestion that molecules are colliding and exploding. It has been confirmed that energy neither be created nor destroyed. Energy and all its combined elements will be existing eternally – forever. Thus, the big bang theory is wrong...

This new formula will lead us to conclude that there is no electrostatic energy (stationary) and that the potential and kinetic energy is always present in every living matters in the whole universe; dust and gaseous molecules, nebulae, the quasar, pulsar, the planets, galaxies, and the galaxies of the milky way, are but a different manifestation, configuration, transformation, metamorphosis, and dynamic transformation of the electromagnetic field force and the laws of nature (life)... 

Space has provided us a ready-made macro-micro environment wherein all the ingredients for the formation of basic building blocks of life are ever-present forever. Space is an environment where all the living organisms have a chance for survival and will continue to flourish eternally. It has furnished us a limited less time frame for evolutionary creation. Thus the space-time continuum is a holographic picture from which all life's form can be observed and viewed artistically, poetically, realistically, scientifically. Space itself in reality, is an extremely boundless living furnace where all different evolutionary dynamic forms of life can be created...

Generally, the outer space is a vast reservoir of unlimited and free electromagnetic field force we called energy. Technician, Engineers, Scientists, and Technologists have only need to invent a device or mechanical instruments with self-generating power (reverse technology) to tap the natural energy from free space. Natural energy is omnipresent, omniscient – all-powerful...

The possibility of creating the impossible circumstances are always present in this world. We have to act accordingly.

Nature favors those beings who follow its course. Our mind will be guided accordingly by just letting the ways of nature run its own will. Nature is simply the summation of the inter-galactic and cosmological universal intelligence. That is the splendid beauty we seek eternally. It shall never fade.

We must observe and obey its laws carefully and respect its awesome power.

Anu ba gusto kong patunayan dito? Mali ang pundasyon ng batas ng atraksyon ng physics dahil sa galaw ng mga likas na bagay sa mundo, wala naman talagang negatibo o positibong salik ang mga bagay-bagay, depende lang ito kung papanu natin ginagamit o iniaakma ang batas ng likas na enerhiya sa ating buhay. Malaking bahagi rito, kundi man lahat libre para sa sangkatauhan...

next freedom...
ariel eric robedizo / march 19, 2009

Make Friend with Yourself

Make Friends with Yourself. Know Thyself. Don't Be Afraid of Your Fellow Human Being. Learned how to Properly estimate the Character of ...